Axel Zwingenberger

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American Music Research Foundation

bluesnews - the Blues German magazin

Boesendorfer piano manufacturer

    Axel's favorite instruments

Boogie Online - Christian P. Neuhaus' Boogie Woogie site

Boogie Woogie piano forum from Terry Aspinall

Boogie Woogie Press from Colin Davey

Boogie Woogie in Japan

Concerto - austrian mounthly magazin

JA/NEIN Musikverlag & Vagabond Records

    Axel's longtime publisher and partner

Jazzarchiv Eisenach

Jazz Institut Darmstadt

Jazzland Club Vienna

    the jazz club in Vienna, Axel has recorded several CDs in here

Piano Center Kleinhenz

Marcus & Barbel - the Boogie dancers

Marshall, Texas - The Birthplace Of Boogie Woogie

Søren Mielke - the juggler

Boogie Woogie Piano Sheet Music

Hannes Otahal's sheet music transcriptions

Pinetop - German Boogie Woogie Award

SR-Archive of Austrian popular music

George Tanner Records - the spezialized store

Nonjohn Tennison's article on Boogie Woogie

Nonjohn Tennison's Boogie Woogie Foundation

Pianohaus Zechlin